Arizona ​Coalition of School Board Members
Arizona ​Coalition of School Board Members

Policy Services
Policy Services
Effective and clearly written policies can help guide a district toward excellence and is a board's foremost responsibility. It is also important for school districts and school boards to have school board policies that are consistent with state and federal law. Our services include a menu of choices to meet your specific needs.
Online Policy Manual
Online Policy Manual
- Provides online access to hundreds of current, searchable sample policies linked to the appropriate statute or legal references.
- The Coalition sample policies are cross-referenced to other relevant sample policies.
- The Coalition sample policies are for the exclusive use and benefit of Coalition member school districts, board members, and school administrators.
- The Coalition sample policies and exhibits do not constitute legal advice. Coalition members may copy Coalition sample policies and exhibits for the purpose of assisting the local school district when drafting or amending their school district policies.
Is your Policy Manual in Need of an Overhaul?
Is your Policy Manual in Need of an Overhaul?
For school districts or school boards with out-of-date policy manuals, The Coalition offers overhaul services. The Coalition will work with the board and staff to create a comprehensive, customized policy manual.
- review the existing policy manual to identify gaps or areas needing improvement
- revise policies to reflect local practices
- create a draft manual
- manage the project
At the conclusion of the project, the district will receive the final manual in electronic form.
Email today for policy manual overhaul fee structure.
Need a One-Time Audit of Your Policy Manual?
Need a One-Time Audit of Your Policy Manual?
One-time audits are for school districts or school boards who simply want a one-time red-lined version of their current policies to The Coalition model policies. The Coalition will:
- review the existing policy manual and compare it to The Coalition model policies
- redline the existing policy manual to reflect The Coalition model policies
- add new policies, if necessary
- delete old, outdated policies
- create an electronic final product for further review and/or action by school board members