Arizona ​Coalition of School Board Members
Arizona ​Coalition of School Board Members

Advocacy Resources
Advocacy Resources
Public support for, or recommendation of, a particular cause or policy.

Who does a School Board Member Speak for?
Who does a School Board Member Speak for?
School Board members are sometimes misled to believe they cannot take a public stand on issues until the Board has voted, and then, they must follow the will of the Board. However, your first amendment right to publicly speak, write, or engage policy makers and others is a First Amendment Right. You did not give up these rights when you were elected to the school board!
School board members are often taught that if they were in the minority vote, they must follow the majority. Even in the minority, you have the right to speak on your own behalf. You can even reference your own district or schools! You can speak on behalf of yourself as an individual or as an individual school board member. You just cannot speak on behalf of or as a representative of the school board or school district unless the school board has authorized you to do so.
School Board Members are both individuals and a member of a governing body. The easiest rule of thumb is to always identify whether you are advocating as an individual or on behalf of the entire Board.
Grassroots activism is ordinary people creating extraordinary change. Sign up today and become the backbone of our advocacy efforts, promoting legislation and policy that puts students first.
We promise not to fill your inbox. When most needed, we will purposefully activate our members, with a unified voice, to help ensure every Arizona public school student gets the very best education to meet their individual needs.
Grassroots Involvement
Grassroots Involvement
Coalition Advocacy Efforts
Coalition Advocacy Efforts
The Coalition advocates at the Arizona State Legislature as well as at all levels of government, including the Governor’s office and the Arizona State Board of Education. Coalition staff monitors legislative activity that affects education and maintains direct communication with the Governor’s office, legislators, state agencies, and others.
Our advocacy work includes:
- Testimony at education committee hearings
- Contact with legislators during the legislative session.
- Monitoring of education bills making their way through the legislative session.
- Drafting bills and amendments to bills.
- Cooperation with other education groups and other advocacy groups on matters of mutual interest.
- Online updating of education legislation status.
- Online links to legislators and the Arizona State Board of Education members.
- Posting of Coalition testimony on education issues, maximizing transparency, so our members are aware of our efforts
Arizona Senate and House Education Committees
Using the drop-down provided in the link above, select either House or Senate and Education. This will show which members are on the Education Committee and the PDF documents of the Education Committee hearings in either chamber. This resource allows you to see what bills are being discussed and voted on to bring to the whole chamber floor!
The Board, created by Article 11 of the Arizona Constitution, is composed of eleven members: the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the president of a state university or state college, four lay members, a president or chancellor of a community college district, a person who is an owner or administrator of a charter school, a superintendent of a high school district, a classroom teacher and a county school superintendent. Other than the superintendent of public instruction, each member is appointed to a four-year term by the governor with the consent of the Senate. In addition to its general regulatory responsibilities, Arizona law charges the Board with numerous other duties. The primary powers and duties of the Board are articulated in A.R.S. § 15-203.
Use this link to identify who your legislators are in your area!
Helpful Links
Helpful Links